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Dr. Paulo Palma


Dr. Paulo Palma

Medical Doctor by Universidade de Campinas, Brazil.
First Medical Leutnent, Brazilian Army
Resident at Universidade de Campinas, UNICAMP.
Fellow at University of Miami, Florida from 1981 to 1982.
Assistent professor from 1982 to 1992, associated professor of urology from 1992.
Past president Brazilian Society of Urology, São Paulo section.
Several publications in peer reviewed magazine, including, Journal of Urology, Urology, European Urology, Actas Españolas de urologia, Brazilian Journal of Urology.
Member of the board of The Journal of Urology.
Past President of the American Urological Confederation (CAU).
President of the Portuguese speaking countries Urological Associacion (ALU)
President of the Latin America Pelvic Floor Associacion (ALAPP)
Professor and Chairman of Urology, the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP , Sao Paulo , Brazil.
Life time achievement awards
1 Francico Dias Medal by the Asociacion Española Urologia (AEU) 2016
2 Shlomo Raz Medal by Confederacion Americana de Urologia (CAU) 2017