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Dr.Mija Blaganje


Dr.Mija Blaganje

Asst. prof. Mija Blaganje, MD, PhD

Current appointment:

Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Division of Gynecology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU. - Consultant Gynaecologist with special skills in minimal access surgery, urogynaecology, pelvic floor surgery and oncogynaecological surgery. - Asst. Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia - Mentor and Examiner (Ob&Gyn) at the National Board - Member: International Urogynaecology Association: Laparoscopic Special Interest Group, European Urogynaecology Association, International Urogynaecology Association, International Continence Society, Mediteranean Incontinence and Pelvic floor Society

Contact: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Qualifications: 2003 MD, University of Ljubljana 2011 Specialist in ob/gyn national board license 2012 PhD, Interdisciplinary Biomedicine, University of Ljubljana

Scope of Expertise:Diagnostic evaluation: pelvic examination, ultrasonography, urodynamics evaluation

Surgery:Laparoscopic surgery: reconstrusctive pelvic surgery (sacrocolpopexy, sacrohysteropexy, pectopexy, Burch colposuspension, pavaginal repair by colposuspension on Coopers lig.), mesh removal, benign uterine and adnexal patology, sterilization, hysterectomy, subtotal hysterectomy, complete staging for endometrial and ovarian carcinoma (incl. Lymphadenectomy, omentectomy), radical hysterectomy for cervical carcinoma. Incontinence surgery: suburethral tapes (retropubic, transobturator, minislings), bulking agents, botulinum toxine A injections, muscle stem cell injection Vaginal surgery: cervical pathology (incl. laser vaporisation, LLETZ) , vaginal prolapse (colporraphy, sacro-spinous fixation, vaginal mesh, vaginal mesh removal, colpocleisys), vaginal hysterectomy. Rectovaginal surgery: delayed repair of a disruptured anal sfincter Vulvo-vaginal surgery: labia hypertrophy, vulvectomy, vaginectomy Hysteroscopy: resesctoscopy, office hysteroscopy

Invited Lectures:

HPV infection in relation to cervical cancer and genital warts : invited lecture at the Evropa Center, Ljubljana, March 7th, 2007. 2007.

Treatment of SUI with muscle derived stem cells : vabljeno predavanje na posvetovanju Novosti v obravnavi patologije medeničnega dna, Ljubljana, 4. 3. 2011, Ginekološka klinika, Ljubljana. 2011.

Ultrazvočna vodena aplikacija avtolognih mioblastov za zdravljenje stresne urinske inkontinence : vabljeno predavanje na Interkliničnem seminarju Vidiki zdravstvene oskrbe, ki se zdijo nevidne, 20. 11. 2011, Ginekološka klinika Ljubljana. 2011.

Zdravljenje stresne urinske inkontinence z Bulkamidom in mioblasti : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem izobraževanju Presejalni testi pri ženskah in otrocih, 14. 11. 2011, Rogaška Slatina. 2011.

Intrasphincteric ultrasound - guided autologous myoblast injections with functional electrical stimulation for stress urinary incontinence : invited lecture at 1st China Lanzhou International Summit Forum on Minimally Invasive Surgery, 2012, Gansu, China.

Patient selection and recruitment strategy : invited lecture at Investigator Meetings, RAdisson BLU Palais Hotel, Vienna, 12. 12. 2012.

Patient selection, recruitment strategy : invited lecture at the Innovacell Biotechnologie AG, Innovation study Agenda Investigator Meeting, 23-24 April 2012, Vienna. 2012.

Uporaba avtolognih mioblastov za zdravljenje SUI : vabljeno predavanje v okviru stalnega izobraževanja na Ginekološki kliniki, Ljubljana, 16. 5. 2012. 2012.

Uporaba laserske termoterapije za zdravljenje SUI in sindrom ohlapne nožnice : vabljeno predavanje v okviru stalnega izobraževanja na Ginekološki kliniki, Ljubljana, 5. 12. 2012. 2012.

Uporaba mioblastov pri zdravljenju stresne inkontinence : vabljeno predavanje na simpoziju Menopavzna medicina - izzivi in rešitve, 19. - 21. 1. 2012, Rogaška Slatina.

Uporaba avtolognih mioblastov pri zdravljenju stresne urinske inkontinence : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem izpopolnjevanju zdravnikov, 8. 10. 2013. 2014.

Zdravljenje stresne urinske inkontinence z avtolognimi mioblasti : kaj, kdaj? : vabljeno predavanje na Simpoziju o urinski inkontinenci : Urgentna inkontinenca, Ljubljana, Grad Fužine, 10. 5. 2013.

Laser termoterapia nelle disfunzioni urinare e nella lassità vaginali : invited lecture at the 35. Congresso Nazionale della Societa Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 23-25 May 2014. 2014.

Stem cell research for the regeneration of the urethral sphincter : lecture at MIPS, Mediteranean Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Society, III Annual Meeting, 10th to 12th December 2015.

Farmakološko zdravljenje PAM : vabljeno predavanje na top 40 Regional Leading Lights in Urogynecology and Female Urology Meeting, 2 - 3 October, 2015, Laško, Slovenija

Polipi in miomi : vabljeno predavanje na Delavnici ambulantne histeroskopije, 27. 2. in 28. 2., Ginekološka klinika Ljubljana.

Prekomerno aktivni sečni mehur : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem srečanju ZDL, Aktualne teme v družinski medicini, 23. 9. 2015, Ljubljana.

Urinska inkontinenca : ena težava - različne metode zdravljenja : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem srečanju ZAG, Združenja za ambulantno ginekologijo, SZD, Ljubjana, 19. 6. 2015, Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije.

Zdravljenje z mioblasti : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem srečanju Slovenskega kirurškega kluba, 19. 11. 2015, v Ljubljani z naslovom "Novosti v zdravljenju bolezni medeničnega dna".

Autologous myoblast injections into the intrinsic urethral sphincter for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence : invited lecture at the ESGE 25th Annual Congress, 2-5 October 2016, Brussels, Belgium.

Botulinum toksin u lječenju OAB : vabljeno predavanje na 2. Hrvatskom kongresu menopauzalne medicine, Zagreb, 18.-19. 11. 2016.

Clinical cases : invited lecture at 12th Annual Meeting ICS, Pan Arabic Continence Society in collaboration with the International Continence Society, 28th - 30th January 2016.

Complications of LSC : invited lecture at 12th Annual Meeting ICS, Pan Arabic Continence Society in collaboration with the International Continence Society, 28th - 30th January 2016.

Follow up and outcome assessment : invited lecture at the COST Meeting, November 18-19, 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Hysterectomy during urogynecological surgical procedure-yes or no? : invited lecture at the TOP 40 Regional Leading Lights in Urogynecology and Female Urology Meeting, October 14-15, 2017, Gospić, Croatia.

Mini-laparoscopic sacral colpo-hysteropexy for female genital prolapse : invited lecture at 12th Annual Meeting ICS, Pan Arabic Continence Society in collaboration with the International Continence Society, 28th - 30th January 2016.

Mini-laparoscopy sacrocolpopexy for apical and posterior female genital prolapse : invited lecture at 12th Annual Meeting ICS, Pan Arabic Continence Society in collaboration with the International Continence Society, 28th - 30th January 2016.

Minimalno invazivno lječenje PAMM (prekomeerno aktivnog mokračnog mjehura)-botulinom toksin A : vabljeno predavanje na Posljediplomskom tečaju I. kategorije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, zagreb, 1.-2. 4. 2016.

Stem cells in stress incontinence : invited lecture at the Annual Scientific Update in Urogynecology, 10-11 November 2016, London, UK.

Stem cells-recent advances for the treatment of urinary incontinence : invited lecture at the Hellenic Congress of Urogynecology, 23-24 April 2016, Athens, Greece.

Terapevtski algoritem : vabljeno predavanje na strokovnem srečanju Obravnava bolnikov z urinsko inkontinenco in predstavitev smernic za obravnavo bolnikov z urinsko inkontinenco, 31. 3.2016, Ljubljana.

Building methods for female stress urinary incontinence : invited lecture at the Pre-Course Workshop, MIPS 2017, Opatija, Croatia, May 5-6, 2017.

33. Intra-and post-operative complications of sarcocolpopexy-management and prevention : invited lecture at the Laparoscopic Sarcocolpopexy, a practical course, 29. 4. 2017, Plzen, Czech Republic.

34. Intra-operative and postoperative complications of LPSC sarcopexy : invited lecture at the MIPS Laparoscopy Ljubljana Workshop, Laparoscopic Sarcolpopexy, Ljublljana, 8. 9. 2017.

Stem cells in SUI-science fiction or reality : invited lecture at the 13 Annual Meeting of Pan Arab Continence Society, 2-4 February 2017, Luxor, Egypt.

Two- year experience with a non-degradable bulking agent in women with stress urinary incontinence : invited lecture at the Pre-Course Workshop, MIPS 2017, Opatija, Croatia, May 5-6, 2017.

Ultrazvočni pregled v uroginekologiji : vabljeno predavanje na Ultrazvočni šoli, 16-18 marec 2017, Ljubljana.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Therapie cellulaire: ou en est-non? : invited lecture at the 28 Salon de Gynecologie Obstetrique Pratique, 28-30 March 2018, Paris, France.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Female urinary incotinence : invited lecture at the 28 Salon de Gynecologie Obstetrique Pratique, 28-30 March 2018, Paris, France. [COBISS.SI-ID 4946604]

40. BLAGANJE, Mija. How to manage pre and post-oprative morbidity during and after a LSC : invited lecture at the 14th Annual Meeting of Pan Arab Continence Society, January 25-27, 2018, Dubai, UAE.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Application of stem cell therapy as treatment of SUI in women-where are we? : invited lecture at the 14th Annual Meeting of Pan Arab Continence Society, January 25-27, 2018, Dubai, UAE.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Are Bulking Agents a cost-effective alternative in Mediterranean countries? : invited lecture at the VI MIPS Annual Meeting Bringing global scientific evidence to daily clinical practice in the Mediterranean region, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 April 2019.

OHAD, Gluck, BLAGANJE, Mija, DEVAL, Bruno. Comment je fais. . . une rectopexie ventrale par voie coelioscopique avec une prothese synthetique = How i do. . . Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy using a synthetic mesh. Gynécologie obstétrique fertilite, ISSN 1297-9589. [Print ed.], 2019, letn. 47, iss. 10, str. 753-756BLAGANJE, Mija. Continuing on pelvic pain and laparoscopy in POP : invited lecture at the Top 40 Regional Leading Lights in Urogynecology and Female Urology Meeting, October 25-26, 2019, Rogaška Slatina.

KALIS, Vladimir, KLEPRLIKOVA, Hana, LUČOVNIK, Miha, RUSAVY, Zdenek, BLAGANJE, Mija, RANEE, Thakar, KHALED, Ismail. Knowledge of midwives and doctors about manual perineal protection components : invited lecture at the XII Annual Congress EUGA, Tel Aviv, 16-18 October 2019.

BLAGANJE, Mija. La chirurgia laparoscopica con Mesh per la correzione dell'Isterocele : invited lecture at the 2° Corso L'evoluzione della Ricerca Clinica in Ginecologia ed Ostetricia, Udine, 4 Ottobre 2019.

OHAD, Gluck, BLAGANJE, Mija, VEIT-RUBIN, Nikolaus, PHILLIPS, Christian, DEPREST, Jan, O'REILLY, Barry, BUT, Igor, MOORE, Robert, JEFFERY, Stephen, MILHEM HADDAD, Jorge, DEVAL, Bruno. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy in the treatment of female pelvic organ prolapse : a comprehensive literature review of current practice : poster presentation on European Urogynaecological Association (EUGA) XII Annual Congress, Tel Aviv, 16-18 October 2019.

OHAD, Gluck, BLAGANJE, Mija, BUT, Igor, et al.. Laparoscopic sacrocolpoplexy in the treatment of female plevic organ propalse: a comprehensive literature review of current practice : invited lecture at the XII Annual Congress EUGA, Tel Aviv, 16-18 October 2019. BLAGANJE, Mija. Laparoscopic treatment of POP : invited lecture at the Top 40 Regional Leading Lights in Urogynecology and Female Urology Meeting, October 25-26, 2019, Rogaška Slatina.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Mini-laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for apical and posterior female pelvic organ prolapse : invited lecture at the VI MIPS Annual Meeting Bringing global scientific evidence to daily clinical practice in the Mediterranean region, Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 April 2019.

BLAGANJE, Mija. POP uterine preservation and sexual function : invited lecture at the 21st Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, 14-16 February 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Sodobno zdravljenje urinske inkontinence in PASM : vabljeno predavanje na 8. simpoziju urinska inkontinenca in pogoste težave v nosečnosti, Ljubljana, 14. 6. 2019.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Uterine conservation : invited lecture at the XII Annual Congress EUGA, Tel Aviv, 16-18 October 2019.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Uvod v laparoskopsko šivanje : vabljeno predavanje na Osnovnem tečaju ginekološke endoskopske kirurgije z dodatnim enodnevnim simpozijem Laparoskopska morselacija: dilema vsakodnevne klinične prakse, Ginekološka klinika UKC Ljubljana, 16. do 19. april 2019.

BLAGANJE, Mija. Vloga laparoskopske sakralne (histero) kolpopeksije pri zdravljenju prolapsa medeničnih organov : vabljeno predavanje na na tretje strokovno srečanje Združenja ginekologov in porodničarjev Pomurja, 19. 6. 2019 v Markišavcih pri Murski Soboti.

54. BLAGANJE, Mija. Vloga sakrokolpopeksije pri lpsc histerektomiji : vabljeno predavanje na Osnovnem tečaju ginekološke endoskopske kirurgije z dodatnim enodnevnim simpozijem Laparoskopska morselacija: dilema vsakodnevne klinične prakse, Ginekološka klinika UKC Ljubljana, 16. do 19. april 2019.


Clinical Trials:

i. PD- STUDY: An open, multicenter study to evaluate the urodynamic properties of a local implantation of autologous skeletal muscle-derived cells (SMDCs) in female patients with stress urinary incontinence; EudraCT No.: 2010-021867-34; Financiranje: Innovacell Biotechnologie AG; Principal Investigator 2012/2016

ii. Vpliv lokalne aplikacije zarodnih mišičnih celic na zdravljenje stresne urinske inkontinence; transuretralno ultrazvočno vodeno injiciranje avtolognih mioblastov v kombinaciji s funkcionalno elektrostimulacijo pri pacientkah z ISD; Eudra CT:2009-012389-30; 2009-2016, Principal investigator 2009/2016

iii. SMDC cell implantation for the treatment of fecal incontinence: a multicenter, randomized, double –blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-finding clinical study; CO-INVESTIGATOR 2015-present

iv. Efficacy and safety of non-degradable bulking agent in women with SUI: a multicenter prospective observational study; CO-INVESTIGATOR 2016-present

v. Endometrial receptivity in women with uterine fibroids treated by ulipristal acetate. An experimental multicentric study; PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR 2017-present

Other Responsibilities:

I. Peer reviewer for Neurourology and Urodynamics, International Urogynecology Journal, Intenational Journal of Urology, Gynecologic Surgery, BMJ Innovations

II. Supervisor / Lecturer at University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty 2012-present.

III. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technoogy), Management Committee member, action ReST (Regenerative Sphincter Therapy 2015-2017

IV. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technoogy), WG 3 leader, action ReST (Regenerative Sphincter Therapy) 2016-2017


1. KREFT, Marko, BLAGANJE, Mija, GRILC, Sonja, RUPNIK, Marjan, ZOREC, Robert. Glutamate stimulation increases hormone release in rat melanotrophs. Neuroscience letters, ISSN 0304-3940. [Print ed.], 2006, letn. 404, str. 299-302.

2. BLAGANJE, Mija, LUKANOVIČ, Adolf. Intrasphincteric autologous myoblast injections with electrical stimulation for stress urinary incontinence. International journal of gynaecology & obstetrics, ISSN 0020-7292. [Print ed.], maj 2012, vol. 117, iss. 2, str. 164-167.

3. BLAGANJE, Mija, LUKANOVIČ, Adolf. Ultrasound-guided autologous myoblast injections into the extrinsic urethral sphincter : tissue engineering for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. International urogynecology journal, ISSN 0937-3462, apr. 2013, vol. 24, iss. 4, str. 533-535.

4. BLAGANJE, Mija, LUTFALLAH, Fouad, DEVAL, Bruno. Mini-laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for apical and posterior female pelvic organ prolapse. International urogynecology journal, ISSN 0937-3462, Jul. 2016, vol. 27, iss. 7, str. 1117-1119.

5. BLAGANJE, Mija. Urinska inkontinenca pri ženskah : ena težava, več možnosti zdravljenja. Dr. Pincus, ISSN 2463-7629, 2015, letn. 1, št. 1, str. 23-24.

6. BLAGANJE, Mija. Zdravljenje urinske inkontinence z mišičnimi matičnimi celicami. Dr. Pincus, ISSN 2463-7629, 2016, letn. 2, št. 2, str. 21-22.

7. HERZOG, Maruša, BLAGANJE, Mija. Trening urgentnih porodniških stanj (TUPS) : poročila s strokovnih srečanj. Isis : glasilo Zdravniške zbornice Slovenije, ISSN 1318-0193. [Tiskana izd.], mar. 2014, leto 23, št. 3, str. 50, ilustr.

8. LUKANOVIČ, Adolf, BLAGANJE, Mija. Laserska fototermalna terapija. Estetika : estetska kirurgija, kozmetika in antiaging, ISSN 2232-2566, 2015, št. 16, str. 29-30, ilustr.

9. BLAGANJE, Mija. Vulvovaginitis in vloga farmacevta pri svetovanju. Salus +, ISSN 2463-9559, mar.-apr. 2017, št. 6, str. 14-15.

10. RUIZ-ZAPATA Alejandra M, FEOLA Andrew J, HEESAKKERS John, DE GRAAF Petra, BLAGANJE Mija, SIEVERT Karl Dieter. Biomechanical Properties of the Pelvic Floor and its Relation to Pelvic Floor Disorders. Europena Urology Supplements.

11. COZZOLINO, Mauro, VITAGLIANO, Amerigo, TROIANO, Gianmarco, DI GIOVANNI, Maria Valentina, LAGANÀ, Antonio Simone, VITALE, Salvatore Giovanni, BLAGANJE, Mija, DRUSANY STARIČ, Kristina, KOBAL, Borut, PATRELLI, Tito Silvio, NOVENTA, Marco. Ultrasound-guided embryo transfer : summary of the evidence and new perspectives : systematic review and meta-analysis. Reproductive biomedicine online, ISSN 1472-6491, 2018, vol. 36, iss. , str. 1-19.

12. BARBIČ, Matija, TELENTA, Kalina, NOVENTA, Marco, BLAGANJE, Mija. Ureteral injuries during different types of hysterecomy : a 7-year series at a single university center. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, ISSN 0301-2115. [Print ed.], 2018, vol. 225, str. 1-4,

13. BLAGANJE, Mija, ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Darija, ŽGUR, Lidija, VERDENIK, Ivan, PAJK, Franja, LUKANOVIČ, Adolf. Non-ablative Er:YAG laser therapy effect on stress urinary incontinence related to quality of life and sexual function : a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, ISSN 1872-7654. [Online ed.], 2018, vol. 224, str. 153-158.

14. BLAGANJE, Mija. Bulking methods for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. V: OREŠKOVIĆ, Slavko (ur.), KALAFATIĆ, Držislav (ur.). Suvremeni pristup u dijagnostici i liječenju žena s inkontinencijom mokraće i defektima dna zdjelice, (Priručnici stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja). Zagreb: Medicinska naklada. 2018, str. 71-76

15. SIEVERT, Karl-Dietrich, ABUFARAJ, Mohammad, KERNIG, Karoline, DRÄGER, Karoline, BLAGANJE, Mija, HAKENBERG, Oliver, MANSY, Karim, LIEDL, Bernhard, TURCAN, Tufan, DE RIDDERG, Dirk. Sling sling surgery for female incontinence. European urology supplements, ISSN 1569-9056, 2018, vol. 17, no. 3, str. 109-118

16. OHAD, Gluck, BLAGANJE, Mija, DEVAL, Bruno. Comment je fais. . . une rectopexie ventrale par voie coelioscopique avec une prothese synthetique = How i do. . . Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy using a synthetic mesh. Gynécologie obstétrique fertilite, ISSN 1297-9589. [Print ed.], 2019, letn. 47, iss. 10, str. 753-756

17. JAKOPIČ, Katja, KENDA ŠUSTER, Nataša, DRUSANY STARIČ, Kristina, BLAGANJE, Mija, VERDENIK, Ivan, KOBAL, Borut. Office hysteroscopy in removing retained products of conception- a highly successful approach with minimal complications. Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, ISSN 0144-3615, 2019, vol. 39, iss. , str. 1-4.

18. NOVENTA, Marco, VITAGLIANO, Amerigo, ANDRISANI, Alessandra, BLAGANJE, Mija, VIGANO, Paola, PAPAELO, Enrico, SCIOSCIA, Marco, CAVALLIN, Francesco, AMBROSINI, Guido, COZZOLINO, Mauro. Testosterone therapy for women with poor ovarian response undergoing IVF : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, ISSN 1058-0468, 2019, vol. 36, iss. 4, str. 673-683

19. DRUSANY STARIČ, Kristina, LUKANOVIČ, Adolf, BARBIČ, Matija, BLAGANJE, Mija, CVIJIĆ, Adrijana, BUT, Igor. Vaginal length after a laparoscopic sacropexy. Urogynaecologia International Journal, ISSN 1121-3086, 2019, vol. 31, iss. 1, str. 26-28

20. KALIS, Vladimir, SMAZINKA, Martin, RUSAVY, Zdenek, BLAGANJE, Mija, HAVIR, Martin, HAVELKOVA, Linda, KHALED, Ismail. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy as the mainstay management for significant apical pelvic organ prolapse (LAP) study. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, ISSN 0301-2115. [Print ed.], Jan. 2020, vol. 244, str. 60-65

21. VITAGLIANO, Amerigo, DI SPIEZIO SARDO, Attilio, SACCONE, Gabriele, VALENTI, Gaetano, SAPIA, Fabrizio, KAMATH, Mohan S., BLAGANJE, Mija, ANDRISANI, Alessandra, AMBROSINI, Guido. Endometrial scratch injury for women with one or more previous failed embryo transfers : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Fertility and sterility, ISSN 0015-0282. [Print ed.], Sep. 2018, vol. 110, iss. 4, str. 687-702

22. KLEPRLIKOVA, Hana, KALIS, Vladimir, LUČOVNIK, Miha, RUSAVY, Zdenek, BLAGANJE, Mija, RANEE, Thakar, KHALED, Ismail. Slowing of fetal head descent is an integral component of manual perineal protection. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6349. [Print ed.], 2020, vol. 99, no. , str. 1-2, doi: 10.1111/aogs.13799

23. OHAD, Gluck, BLAGANJE, Mija, VEIT-RUBIN, Nikolaus, PHILLIPS, Christian, DEPREST, Jan, O'REILLY, Barry, BUT, Igor, MOORE, Robert, JEFFREYS, Stephen, MILHEM HADDAD, Jorge, DEVAL, Bruno. Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy : a comprehensive literature review on current practice. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, ISSN 0301-2115. [Print ed.], 2020, vol. 245, str. 94-101.

24. KLEPRLIKOVA, Hana, KALIS, Vladimir, LUČOVNIK, Miha, RUSAVY, Zdenek, BLAGANJE, Mija, RANEE, Thakar, KHALED, Ismail. Manual perineal protection : the know-how and the know-why. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6349. [Print ed.], 2019, vol. 98, no. , str. 1-4.

25. OHAD, Gluck, GRINSTEIN, Ehud, BLAGANJE, Mija, VEIT-RUBIN, Nikolaus, DEVAL, Bruno. Rectal injury during laparoscopic mesh removal after sacrocervicopexy. International urogynecology journal, ISSN 0937-3462, 2018, vol. 29, iss. 10, str. 1-4.