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Dr. Bruno Deval


Dr. Bruno Deval

Pr Bruno DEVAL, MD, is an French Gynecologist and a postgraduate-trained Surgeon with a real interest in surgical technologies and techniques. He co-chairs the SIG in Laparoscopy of the International Urogynecologic Association (IUGA). Well-known for innovative work in gynecologic surgery, he found interest in reconstructive pelvic surgery while networking at professional meetings within their large following of colleagues nationally and worldwide. Dr. DEVAL has published less than one hundred scientific articles ( PubMed) and delivered presentations and live-surgery cases on Recontructiv Pelvic Surgery throughout Europe, North-Africa, South America and Asia. Key opinion leader in female PELVIC FLOOR DISORDERS and LAPAROSCOPIC Surgery with a large global network, he is consulted frequently by major specialty societies, surgical technology development teams and the media for his insights and experience.