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Phone Number


Dr. Amr Nowier


Dr. Amr Nowier

Secondary Education:
Kawmia Secondary School, Cairo, Egypt.
College Education:

  • Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (1970 – 1976) Graduating Grade: Excellent with Honors.
  • Masters Degree of Urology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, May 1981. Grade: Very Good.

Grade: Very Good.
Qualification For American Board Examination:

  • E.C.F.M.G Certificate, September 1983.
  • V.Q.E, Medical Part of the Examination, November 1983.
  • Ph.D. Course in Immunology at George Washington Medical School 3 Credit hours, Grade B, 1983.
  • Doctoral Degree of Urology, Ain Shams University, 1985.